President-Georgia Yost Perdue
I have been a member of SMKC since the 90s with a long history of conformation showing of multiple champions of multiple breeds. I have served on the Board as Secretary, President and Board Member multiple years and am currently the President of the Salisbury Maryland Kennel Club and the Charitable Trust Board. I am an Instructor, Conformation/handling chair and a Breeder of Merit and co-breeder and co-owner of Sussex Spaniels. I currently serve on the Board of the Sussex Spaniel Club of America, have co-chaired National Specialties and have currently been invited to judge the 2025 Puppy Sweepstakes at our National Specialty. Currently I am owned by two Sussex Spaniels at home and I also have a Standard Poodle.
I am working dogs in conformation, agility, therapy, FastCat, obedience and rally. I am a certified CGC instructor and tester and enjoy working with new dog owners. Each year you can find me working at our November Cluster and as Co-Chair along with helping with show n go’s, conformation/handling classes and other activities of the club. I am the Website Manager and work closely with the Treasurer on finances.
I am a Nurse Practitioner and have a doctorate in nursing working full-time in the medical field. I live in Salisbury, am widowed, and have a son, daughter-in- law and two grandchildren.
1st Vice President – Peggy Bradford
In 1988 I enrolled in an SMKC obedience class after acquiring a golden retriever puppy. I was mentored by Frances Tilghman, obedience class chair at the time, and with her guidance began actively showing my dog in obedience. I am a long time obedience instructor and over the years have served on the board in every capacity except secretary, spending 10 years as the club’s treasurer. I have watched the club grow from a small group of dog enthusiasts to the amazing organization it is today. I am proud to have been a part of the growth and will be forever grateful to the club for introducing me to the people who have become my closest friends.
2nd Vice President – Jeanine Dennis
I am a Past President and have served on various committees since joining SMKC over 25 years ago. I have served as Obedience as Agility Trial Secretary.
I breed and exhibit English Cocker Spaniels in conformation, obedience and agility venues. I hold a Ph. D. in Animal Nutrition and retired four years ago. After retirement I started a quilting and embroidery business and recently expanded to make dog beds, mats, crate pads and crate covers.
Treasurer – Anna Marie D’Onofrio
I came to SMKC
Secretary – Krista Hill
AKC Delegate – Karen Cottingham
I joined SMKC in 1987, taking both Obedience and Conformation classes with my first show dogs. As Puppy Kindergarten became a recognized training system across the country, I joined Diane Spalding in teaching the course for SMKC. When AKC encouraged clubs to offer the Canine Good Citizen test, I became one of the club’s CGC Instructors and Evaluators. I have titled five different breeds of dogs from three AKC Groups in Conformation, Obedience, Rally, and Trick Dog. I have bred and co-owned Junior & Senior Hunters. I have been awarded Breeder of the Year of the Sussex Spaniel Club of America. I have served as an SMKC officer and Board Member numerous times over the past three decades, and am now proud to represent SMKC as our AKC Delegate.
Board Members
Linda Furey
I joined SMKC in 2006 after purchasing my first purebred female Vizsla. This would be the beginning of my education in the world of Conformation to be followed by Obedience, Rally and Agility. My second Vizsla took me on a wonderful journey that expanded my world to include a MACH, qualifying and attending AKC Agility Nationals and qualifying multiple times for AKC Rally Nationals. I’ve been a member of Vizsla Club of America for many years and attended our National Specialties numerous times. Outside of SMKC, I’ve held Board positions, acted as Treasurer, Rally Trial Chair, Agility Chair and been a member on many Committees. In 2021, I acted as Agility Trial Chair at our VCA National Specialty. Over the years, you could find me volunteering, participating and supporting a variety of SMKC events. I have served as Agility Ribbon Chair, assisted Linda Morris with teaching Rally classes and continue as a member of the Agility Committee. I share my home in East New Market with my 7 mo old female Vizsla. We’re currently attend classes at SMKC.
Cathin Bishop
Diane Spalding
I’ve been a member of SMKC since 1985 During that time I have taught handling, obedience and agility. I bred Mastiffs for 25 years And had great success in the Breed ring. I also had two obedience Mastiffs.
I was president of the club Four times, was Obedience Chair for 10 years, Trial Secretary for five. I am currently agility trial and class chair.
I have shown many breeds in Agility and Obedience – English Cocker, Golden Retrievers, Shelties, Poodle,
Over the years I have attended many seminars, camps and taken private lessons from top trainers, to learn and bring ideas back to the club for our students it has been a fun journey (I counted 37 different camps and seminars)
I was also the girls tennis coach at Bennett HS for five years.
Most recently my golden Sizzle had success in the breed ring where she won a Reserve High in Trial and many group placements. She now has agility, Rally and obedience titles and loves her therapy work.
Betsy Humer