March 21-23, 2025 in Mardela Springs MD
Go to : to register
3 days Fast CAT, 6 events, Friday-Sunday at Williams Dog Park in Mandela Springs, MD. 15 minutes West of Salisbury with Salisbury Maryland Kennel Club.
Entries limited to 100 dogs per event with 2 events running concurrently starting at 9am/ Run your dog twice within one hour with a break between runs. If entered twice, pick up your ribbons and your dog is done for the day.
Run order will be based on order of entries received. Those entering later or close to closing date will NOT get preferential treatment to run early. Club worker dogs first, followed by all remaining dogs run as soon as the worker dogs complete their runs. Plan accordingly, once again do not ask for early run times when you enter late….
Entries are accepted online only.